Jane Denman

Jane Denman

Contemporary dance fuels Jane as a painter by presenting beautiful, passionate, emotional, and extraordinary movements of the body in space. Often relying upon memory, her work re-imagines dance sequences that she has experienced emotionally as well as visually. She achieves this using a variety of media, especially water-based paints, to create worlds of theatrical dance through drips, splashes, and rivulets of colour.

Jane grew up in Brighton and completed a degree in Fine Art from Northbrook College, West Sussex in 1999. Since graduating, she has worked as an artist, alongside teaching at various colleges and more latterly, manages her own art class business.

Her work springs from varied sources: “I work with dancers, sketch at performances, or employ photographic stills or video. As I watch the dancers on stage, I am intrigued by the physical space in which they move, particularly the interplay between their bodies, the stage boundaries, theatrical lighting, and darkness. My work reinterprets these interactions through colour and abstraction, and expresses my intuitive and creative responses to dance today.”